- You only add one resume. This resume should show that you meet the requirements below. If, in the opinion of Kadaster, you do not meet the requirements, your offer will be set aside and will not be included in the assessment of the award criteria. Below are the requirements the candidate must meet. For each requirement, please explain (briefly) why you believe the candidate meets the requirement. Referring to the CV is not sufficient.
- Competencies the candidate should have: • Quality-focused; • Results-driven; • Communicative skills; • Independence; • Ability to form judgement. • Knowledge transfer.
- Mandatory statement of your certified copy of the Chamber of Commerce. This must show the signatory's authority to sign this agreement.
- You hold a Master’s degree in the field of land administration or geo-information or related field.
- You have extensive experience working with leading international agencies focusing on international Government to Government support.
- You have at least 15 year international working experience in consultancy in the domain of Land Administration in different countries.
- You have worked in leadership positions project manager, programme manager a/o manager in the MENA region.
- You speak and write English and Arabic fluently.
- You have an established network with governmental agencies and other stakeholders working in the domain of Land Administration and geo-Information in the MENA region.
- You have a thorough understanding of land administration in an international environment. This entails knowledge about state of the art concepts and practices in land administration in various tenure systems and country contexts, as well as socio-economic and technical developments as well as trends and innovations in the land administration domain.
- Availability The candidate can be deployed from 1st of April 2025 until 31th of March 2027 for a maximum of 1456 hours in two years. The hiring assignment can optionally be extended with 1 year and has a notice period of one (1) month for the entire period. The start date is subject to a timely completion of the quotation procedure. This may also mean that the start date of the assignment will have to be postponed. No rights can therefore be derived from the start date stated in the Request for Quotation.
Mijn gegevens
Deze inhuuropdracht verloopt via een aanbesteding. De opdrachtgever heeft eisen en wensen opgegeven. Aan de eisen moet je voldoen om kans te maken. Op de wensen kun je punten scoren.